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Cat's Lair

My Thundercats Page

"Justice, Truth, Honor and Loyalty"

Well I see you have wandered into my Thundercats section of the site. Hope you like it.

Thundercats is one of the best action cartoons ever made. But that is just my opinion and if you don't happen to like it, why are you on my page in the first place?

Thundercats is currently airing on Cartoon Network at 3:30 PM Eastern Time.(US) Right now we are back to the first season again which is somewhat of a relief after the Overgard episodes in the fourth season. The infamous fourth season, which left us all asking, "Who is Pumyra?"
Pumyra wasn't very happy about that.

That's about all I have to say about the Tcats, except that they are still fun to watch even when you are grown up. And I've been watching them since I was five. And that was a while ago!

This is Pumyra, who no one remembers.

As you can see, Pumyra is unhappy about the whole thing.

All Thundercat pictures are courtesy of Cheezey who graciously let me borrow them from her site. Thanks Cheez!

Thundercats and all related characters were created by Ted Wolf and are property of Lorimar Telepictures. This site is just for fun and isn't meant to infringe on any copyright laws. Thank you.