The McGregors Luke McGregor: (You knew I'd put him first, didn't you?) Nephew of Matt McGregor and son of Alec McGregor. Luke was born in America. I believe it was somewhere in California. His mother isn't actually mentioned in the series, and I believe she died either in childbirth or when he was very young. His father was a good person for the most part, but became an alcoholic and believed that his brother Matt stole Langara from him just because Alec had made some misjudgements. (This turned out not to be the case at all. Matt actually tried to help Alec.) At one time, Langara was shared by Alec and Matt. Matt bought Alec's portion from him to save him. (a bit hard to explain)Luke comes back to Langara to claim what is rightfully his. I'd say he is about 20 or 21 years of age. He hates the McGregors, especially Matt. But surprisingly, he becomes very close with his cousin Danni. Luke is very hardheaded but he also has a good heart. After many trials, he finally forgives Matt and rejoins the family. In the series, he is killed soon after that trying to defend an innocent. Here, he is not dead. (The only reason the character was written out was they couldn't find a replacement and Josh Lucas wanted to go on to other things)

Danni McGregor: Youngest child of Matt McGregor. Also, his only daughter. She's definitely a tomboy and has a kind nature. She's also kind of curious about things from what I've noticed about her. She became very close with Luke. They had a special kind of bond. When he was around her, he tried to protect her. I think she is about 15 when the show first starts. She's also very bold and isn't afraid to do what she wants. (hopefully with her father's permission) Like a certain relative of hers,(who, I might add, has hair almost the same color),she is very stubborn and hardheaded. But I think this trait runs in the family so I shouldn't be surprised. Gee, there's another thing she has in common with Luke, they don't seem to have that much luck where love is concerned. Whoever they are currently seeing usually deserts them. Although that seems to happen to Rob too. Perhaps they'll find someone someday. 